Sunday, November 23, 2014

In Pursuit of Truth


What is Truth? Is it something which can be proved like a scientific experiment or is it a very subjective thing.? Is there a God? True or False Do you believe there is only one God.? b4 
Truth is not something that can be proved like a scientific experiment, it can only be felt,it can be seen by the inner eye. Perceiving truth is a very personal experience. The spiritual masters, yogis and people with pure heart and pure conscience can know the truth. Ask a politician or a greedy businessman to go near such yogis and the yogis can read them inside out, they can see their nakedness, know their various drama’s. 
We call man a social animal. In the animal kingdom there are so many animals living in groups. The lions,elephants,hyenas etc., There have their own group rivalry but you find them that they don’t kill their own kinds. 
Man is the only social animal who kill and torture their own breeds. 
The major conflicts in today’s as well as yesterday’s world were in connection with the possessions.The day that man started possessing, conflicts arose. Land, Gold and women are the major possessions and when we look at the history, these were the chief reasons for war and conflicts. Let us take a leaf out of some of the greatest epics like Mahabharata, Ramayana, Iliad and Odyssey. In Mahabharata the fight was for the possession of the land. In Ramayana the fight was for possessing Sita. In Iliad the fight was for possessing ‘Helen’ of ‘Troy’. Even among these epics we find many parts of Homer’s work were copied from Ramayana and Mahabharata. The truth is ‘Homer’ was a great copy cat.
 Some of the greatest liars were the presidents and prime minister’s of various countries. In recent years George W Bush and Tony Blair lied to the world about the weapons of mass destruction being possessed by Iraq. 
Using this super lie they went and conquered Iraq. 
The USA had been hunting for Osama bin Laden. The Pakistan’s Army chief and other politicians denied and lied to the world that Osama is somewhere in the Afghan caves or Sudan and finally when he was killed the whole world came to know the truth. One of the super lie is ” Slavery is non existent in today’s world” All the rich and super powers control the world.In order to keep the themselves rich and powerful they appoint their stooges as heads of states of different countries. If they find real men llike Saddam Hussein or Muammar Qaddafi they will bend all rules, topple their government, kill them and enslave their countries.
 The truth is all blue collar and white collar workers are the modern day slaves to the super powers. 
There is a uncanny methodology by which they operate. They will claim as if they are the chief upholders of human justice and human rights. They will not involve themselves directly but they will supply all kinds of machinery, equipments and weapons to mercenaries and other militias to topple the governments. They think they are the upholders of the ‘Dharma’ and it is their moral duty to fight the evil. 
But the truth is, they are controlling the world’s media and the world is in flames because of few men’s greed. 
Today the greedy men are exploring the space and the planets. He is exploring the Arctic and the Antarctic region to find precious metals and fossil fuels, so that he can trade more,make money and remain as a super power. Some mantra are coined by these powers and those are Globalization,Liberalization and Privatization. Very soon all these concepts has to go. These Super powers must understand the concept of Level-playing field. It will be difficult and odd to so many countries to compete in these race against the superior technological advances of these countries. It is like a healthy man running against the handicaps.
 The real truth is life on earth is for man to experience trial and tribulation.
You are left out in this complex world and someone is recording your every move, every act and every thought. Just imagine ‘National Security Agency’ of the USA can snoop over every email and telephonic conversation. Imagine ‘What God can do?’ b3
 If you truly believe in God and if you believe that he is omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent the man’s lies, his debauchery, greed will have to be answered. The real truth is there is life after physical death. To reach after the life after death,one has to pass the test of God. If you had secured the pass mark, you will be taken to his kingdom. If you fail then you will be born again in this earth, that’s how few good men leave us and never come back and multitude of bad men are born again creating a hell on earth. The truth is every man has to surrender unto God and search for the truth within
. b5 Only one thing that can lead men for the pursuit of Truth and that is “Meditation” When the whole world meditates, we will have a brand new world, a meditative world, a peaceful world, a beautiful world, a creative world, a heaven, a paradise. b2